Auction fees
The upset price announced as well as the amount of the current bid during the sale, are hammer prices, to which must be added the costs of adjudication of 15% including tax with a minimum of 300 € including tax + administrative costs of €140 including tax (€70 including tax for automotive professionals).
PRO FORMA auction slip
The PRO FORMAT slip includes the hammer price as well as the selling costs.
If you are the successful bidder for a lot, you will receive the PRO FORMA auction slip within 24 hours of the sale by email.
Verify the accuracy of the name and contact information on the slip received. Otherwise, please send us an email as soon as possible.
No changes will be possible after delivery.
Attention : send us by email a copy of an identity document as well as proof of address (or a KBIS for professionals).
These documents are, in any case, necessary before delivery.
Payment for auctioned vehicles must be made within TWO WORKING DAYS from the day of the sale by BANK TRANSFER under the escrow account of Parcs Enchères:
Bank SMC / IBAN FR76 3007 7049 0511 6714 0600 047 / BIC: SMCTFR2A
Other possibilities BY APPOINTMENT ONLY:
- By BANK CHECK made payable to "PARCS ENCHERES"
- By credit card (remember to unlock the ceiling of your card)
- By CASH for a maximum amount of €1,000 per vehicle.
RETENTION OF OWNERSHIP : Art. L321-14 al. 2 of the Commercial Code: The auctioned property can only be delivered to the buyer when the company has received the price.
The sale by auction, recorded on the Minutes sent to the Ministry and payable in cash, is irrevocable and cannot under any circumstances be canceled a posteriori for
any reason whatsoever on the part of the successful bidder. The auctioned vehicle can only be delivered to the buyer when PARCS ENCHERES in
will have received the full sale price.
COLLECTION OF THE DEPOSIT : If the successful bidder becomes the purchaser but does not show up within the time allowed to pay the price of the vehicle awarded to him, the deposit of €500 given to Parcs Enchères as a guarantee will be collected as lump sum compensation taking into account the failure of the said successful bidder.
If the sale of the auctioned vehicle falls within the scope of VAT and this VAT is found to be deductible for the successful bidder, either because of his status as a professional subject to the VAT system, or through an acquisition of the vehicle with a view to its export, the successful bidder must expressly declare this at the time of the auction.
In case of export of the vehicle outside the EC, if this is not reported, PARCS ENCHERES may not subsequently reconsider the auction of the vehicle and issue any certificate whatsoever in order to allow the successful bidder, either to be exempt or to be able to deduct the VAT he has paid.
Once the transfer has been received, you will receive the Final auction slip by email.
Please present this document (on paper or on your smartphone) together with a valid identity document when picking up the vehicle.
Possibility of home delivery by our carriers: contact us.
Extended Warranty
Following your purchase, you have the option of taking out an extended mechanical warranty on vehicles less than 15 years old and with less than 200,000 km.
For more information do not hesitate to contact us.